After the net zero loss of day 18, I began day nineteen completely defeated. I went through most of the day before having a discussion with the girl that ended with me moving away from the experiment.
The plan is to step away only briefly. We've sent my exact schedule to the designer of the Bulletproof fat burning protocol to get his input on what could be going wrong. I personally think that, due to the amount of time I spent each day feeling hungry, I wasn't consuming enough to keep my body from moving into "starvation mode". That would completely shut my metabolism down and run counter to the point of the protocol. When Mr. Bulletproof gets back to us, I'll likely go back on the plan.
But rest assured, if you prefer to do so, that I'm not just taking it easy on myself in the downtime. I'm eating healthy and doing Workout of the Day exercises from Crossfit.Com until we wait to hear back from Mr. Bulletproof.
Day twenty-two of 90. My arms and legs feel a bit like jelly.
I'll be very curious to see how this turns out for you in the long run.
ReplyDeleteI did quite a bit of research on intermittant fasting last year when I was developing a plan for my own personal use. There are some real health benifits to it. The plan I came up with for myself has worked well for me - I'm lighter and healthier than I've been in 20 years.
The man reason for my curiosity is that I briefly looked over the Bulletproof website and almost everything they say there is counter to what I learned through my own research. I'm a naturally cynical person and to me it looks like they are just trying to sell their products.
If you want to know what I did that was different, I'd be happy to tell you. Either way, I wish you great success. I know firsthand how lugging around extra pounds can negatively impact your life.