Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day One of Ninety

I'm 5'7". I weigh just under 230 pounds. And, I carry the vast majority of that weight right at my mid section. When I was young I played sports constantly. I was always outside, always moving. Now, nestling firmly into middle age, my job is at my desk. My socialization is at my desk. My most tolerated form of communication is at my desk. But, I've got a four year old, and "at my desk" isn't how I want to spend my time with him. Thus do I find myself here, voluntarily subjecting myself to a dietary experiment.

I have little patience for crash diets, yo-yo weight loss, dietary plan debates, or any reference whatsoever to BMI. I get squinky eyed when someone says something about weight loss without working out. So when the woman recommended Bulletproof Fasting where you eat one day a week and ingest supplements, vitamins, oils, etc. the other six, I was wary. I trust her because she's a foodie and I know she'd never ask me to do something that she felt might hurt me. But really... scientific fasting? I feel like a Science Project. Like at the end of this there will be a tri-fold, table top standup with glued on pictures, sharpie-d letters, and crudely rendered bar graphs and pie charts.

So today is day one of 90. The goal is to get below 180 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. The 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan means you don’t need to obsess about carbs every day and how much of relief and novelty will that be…
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